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Oscar Wilde’s Salomé au Chat Noir

February 23rd 2015, by Maria D’Arcy, with Keith Sarver and David Barnes…

The always eager and curious David Barnes invited Maria to come do a guest of honour spot at the successful Monday nights Spokenword assembly at Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud in Paris.

The usual gifted writers are allowed five minutes to share their texts while Maria was granted a generous ten minutes to allow storytelling and dancing. This night she brought Oscar Wilde’s Salomé to life to a very attentive, poetic audience.

All the same when it came to Salomé’s famous dance of the seven veils she decided to move off from the usual Middle Eastern choreography and spice it up with Burlesque playfulness, which seemed to tickle the supportive onlookers pink. The video was shot and edited by David Henry.

—Maria D’Arcy

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